What is the name of your company or organisation?
Who is the primary contact person for this sponsorship enquiry?
What is the job title of the contact person?
What is the best email address to reach you?
What is a phone number where we can reach you?
Please provide your company's website URL.
What industry does your company operate in?
How many employees does your company have?
Has your company previously sponsored events? If yes, please briefly describe the nature of these events.
What motivates your company to seek a sponsorship opportunity with The Big S’Cool Walk?
Are you interested in any specific level of sponsorship (e.g. Pathway Illuminator, Future Shaper, Dream Chaser, Gift of Kindness)? If unsure, indicate what aspects of sponsorship are most important to your company.
Are there specific sponsorship benefits or customisations your company is interested in exploring?
What is your approximate budget for event sponsorship?
What are your primary goals for this sponsorship (e.g., brand visibility, community engagement, corporate social responsibility)?
Who is the primary audience you aim to reach through this sponsorship?
Are there any additional offerings or requests that you would like us to consider when creating your sponsorship package?
How would you prefer to be contacted for further discussions (e.g., email, phone, in-person meeting)?
Please provide any additional comments or questions you may have regarding the sponsorship.

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